Feel stuck in life and don't know how to change your unhealthy habits that lead to bad life decisions? I will release you from your family karma, and any kind of addiction in 8 weeks and heal your life.
All answers are found in the subconscious mind...I f you wish to expand your horizons, correct the shape of your body and mind, and heal your physical and financial impotency, press start your journey to freedom button here:
Nagual Yoga is for You...
If you feel stuck, blocked or overwelmed with limitations

Have loops of negative self talk and self worth

Have a difficulty in manifesting your soul's greatest desires

Looking for something that would give you real results and break through in life?
4 Gates Of Nagual
Gate 1. Overcoming Fear. With the special author's program "4 Weeks To Personal Freedom"
Gate 2. Nagual Yoga Daily. Training and Initiation in Nagual Yoga Warrior. Knowledge.
Gate 3. Master the Power State in self-development, transform into love, and help others.
Gate 4. Transcendence. Those whose purpose is healing and guiding become naguals
(healers) themselves.
Master class “Basic Nagual Techniques”
A powerful transformational method will help you discover and realize your potential, improve your health, and help yourself and your loved ones.
Who needs this program:
People who want to be healthy, and harmonious, to grow spiritually.
People who are looking for ways out of pain, stress, impasse bad luck.
For those who want to independently improve their health and improve the quality of life, actively develop, and establish relationships with themselves and others.
What will happen in the Nagual yoga app?
The Nagual Yoga App consists of theory, practice, and all the exercises you need for your physical body, cleanse on the elements level. My personal guidance and weekly one-on-one meeting includes healing sessions and initiations as a powerful tool for the energy transformation of the body and consciousness. Initiations take place in real-time and space in one of our Retreats. Find the healing power of the inner shaman and live in the presence of all elements of Nature.
Topics of the theoretical part
Energy Body - principles and lucid dreaming methods.
Man and his energy bodies, core, and assemblage point. Woman and her energy body.
Formation and failures in the development of subtle bodies and centers. Luminous Egg.
Types of deformations (holes) of the luminous egg.
Causes of diseases, problems in society, psychosomatic transformations. Different levels of consciousness development.
Geopathogenic zones.
Energy management.
Energy information security.
Mastering the methods of dowsing and diagnostics.
Building protection for immovable and movable objects, and people (“golden pyramid”).
Construction of protection for cosmoenergy (“shell”, “pyramid”).
Getting rid of necrotic channels of energy leakage and negative energy of the luminous egg.
Initiations into channels
Golden Key - a universal channel that helps to heal all energy systems, purify objects, and space, charge water, reanimate, increase resources and immunity, and regenerate.
Nagual is cleansing through 6 natural elements, helps to cope with all types of energy impacts, cleans and restores chakras and aura, energy meridians throughout the system, and purifies and states objects and space with clean energy. They contribute to the healing of the entire system, cleanse the upper chakras from energy dirt, and harmonize.
You can go through initiations into energy-informational channels that will open up new opportunities for you, significantly increase your energy potential, and healing power, and expand the tools for working with various problems.
Conduct energy diagnostics.
Find powerful energy and protection.
Clear negative energy, heal yourself and others.
Restore the integrity of the aura, activate the chakras, and cleanse the luminous egg of negative energy.
Remove energy-information impacts on yourself and others.
Quickly restore strength and energy, and accelerate the process of recovery, and regeneration.
Increase energy levels, stamina, and immunity.
Get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and loss of strength.
Improve and rejuvenate your body, and work with other people.
Restore harmony, get your higher self, healing for yourself and others.
Clear space and objects, charge water.
Work from a photo with space and people.
The duration of training is 160 days.
Initiations in Nagual channels 7 days retreat in Cancun.
Closed feedback and communication group.
All gates together include 16 Healing Sessions.

Sveiki, Apsveicam ar to, ka esat šeit un tagad.
Mani sauc Lara Romanofa, dzimusi Larisa Vingerta lielākā Abu Ali Ibn Sina pilsētā (Avicenna), senie dziednieki un sūfijs, Čadžas Nasredinas pilsēta un mūžīgā avota ieleja, kas paslēpta Tadžikistānas augstākajos kalnos Dušanbe. 17 gadu vecumā es pārcēlos uz Maskavu, lai studētu aktiermeistarību, kas mani atveda uz ASV, spēlējot Evaņģēliju Mūziķi. Reiz Čikāgā es satiku Yaqui Knowledge dziednieku, kurš mani ieviesa Mezo America šamaņu prakse, kas ilgst 4000 gadus. Es pieņēmu savu Jogas darbu skolotāju apmācību ar šīm zināšanām, lai izveidotu savu unikālo programmu, lai palīdzētu un dziedinātu cilvēkus visā pasaulē.
Jūs esat pieņēmis lielisku lēmumu, un es nevaru sagaidīt, kad varēšu jūs iepazīstināt ar Naguala jogu, seno tolteku sistēmu, joga reāliem cilvēkiem viņu dzīvē, kas dziedina un rāda ceļu, kā arī savieno jūs ar jūsu visu zinošo Naguālu – jūsu iekšējo patiesību.
Manā programmā jūs gūstat labumu no maniem personalizētajiem norādījumiem un saņemat iespēju cieši sadarboties ar mani, lai uzzinātu par šo atslēgu sev, par saviem augstākajiem emocionālajiem stāvokļiem un lielākajiem sāpju punktiem, kā arī uzzinātu par visu galveno jogas zinātņu pamata paņēmieniem. vienkārša piezemēta sistēma, kas gūs labumu un varēsit dziedināt sevi un citus. Laipni lūdzam JŪSU IEKŠĒJĀS TRANSFORMĀCIJAS Naguala maģiskajā, mistiskajā un neizzināmajā pasaulē!
Lai pievienotos kopienai, lūdzu, noklikšķiniet uz pogas, lai pievienotos, un pierakstieties ar savu e-pastu vai ieplānojiet bezmaksas stratēģijas zvanu.

If you think you have time - you are lost.

Meklēt karotāja gara pilnību ir vienīgais uzdevums, kas ir mūsu laicīguma, mūsu vīrišķības cienīgs.
Karloss Kastaneda, Ceļojums uz Ikstlanu


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SESTDIEN 11:00 - 17:00
SVĒTDIENA 12:30 - 16:30
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